
Butsugu-ya was conceived as a service project in 2023 by Genryo Jones. Our goal is to provide practitioners with low cost, quality items for establishing and maintaining a home altar, and other practice-related needs. Genryo is a Rinzai priest based in Pittsburgh. He is a student of Meido Moore Roshi, and the store is intended primarily to serve the larger Korinji community. But, of course, the store is here for anyone and everyone who keeps an altar or makes tea as part of their practice, regardless of affiliation.

A few other notes… Shipping is not included in the prices, and is added to the total at check out. The shipping automatically calculated and charged at checkout is an estimate. While it’s usually quite accurate, if there is a large difference between the estimated shipping you are charged and your actual shipping cost, the difference will be refunded.
As a small operation, we can only keep a small amount of stock on hand. But many items can be back-ordered if they are out of stock–please don’t hesitate to use the back order feature. Just be aware that it can take up to 2-3 weeks for back orders to arrive before they can be shipped to you.
Many of our items are sourced through a U.S. based wholesale importer of Japanese goods, and so are not available except through a store like this. Other items have been sourced from Japan by means of a third party warehouse shipping service, and others are sourced directly from China. If you can find the same items elsewhere at a lower price and money is an issue, please get them there. Our primary goal is for people to get what they need for their practice without cost being a barrier. A secondary goal is for the store to be self-sufficient and sustainable, so we do have to charge a small mark-up on what we sell. On the other hand, if you like the idea of the store but don’t actually need anything, feel free to support us with a donation. Any profits will go towards supporting the work and activities of the local sangha at Iron City Rinzai, Pittsburgh; and Korinji monastery in Wisconsin.
Finally, if you need something we don’t have, we may be able to help you find the item, please get in touch and ask (or if you have any other questions) genryojones@gmail.com